After all colts, Rotissima finally gives us a filly. She is a beauty, and all black. Reports are good from Germany. The birth of her 2020 Escamillo colt gives her the State Premium title.
Well, I thought I had named her Fhlower Drum Song, keeping with my theme of Broadway shows, but there was some miscommunication and she was presented as Finest Girl for her studbook placing and mare show, so that is what her official name is. Finest Girl is a real beauty who is going under saddle and doing great. I have too many horses in Germany, so she is offered for sale. She is in foal to Von und Zu. Import her in foal, or bring her over as your new riding horse. New video 8-7-21
Show Results
Sells in foal to Celle stallion Von und Zu (Vitalis/ Floriscount)
On May 31, 2019, Finest Girl was presented for studbook approval and mare show in Lilenthal, Germany, where she was awarded 1A and State Premium!