Premium and Foal of Distinction. Now a Special Premium Candidate.
I was told by Tommy Rhinow and Holly Simensen who judged the MPT and inspection that Rhiddle was of the quality that would place high at the Oldenburg Mare Championship at Rastede.
Her inspection scores included 9's for breed and sex type, general impression and development, and head, 8.5 for the trot, and 8's for conformation, correctness, neck and frame, 7's for everything else. In the MPT, she received 8.5 for the free trot 8 for walk and trot under saddle. She placed 2nd overall to Shcooter by just a whisker with a 7.458. Birth report:
I sooooo wanted a Romanov filly....This filly is a perfect picture of good conformation and good movement. This is my heart horse for the year. We worked so hard to save her, I am going to hold on to her for a while.Update! Rhiddle was turned out in the nursery field today and she is completely normal, frisky, alert filly! What a good feeling it was to see her galloping around the field! It made the four days of hell on earth for Jim and I all worth it.
Foal report: This filly wasn't due until June 10, and Shirlene's milk showed no signs of impending foaling. I discovered this newborn in a heap on the stall floor when I was next door attending Rheporter's foaling. Rhiddle was a slow, premature and probably septic foal, causing her to be a dummy foal. For those of you who haven't dealt with a dummy foal, let me tell you that they are a lot of nursing care. Jim and I nursed the mare hourly, feeding Rhiddle by naso-gastric tube. We ran fluids and antibiotics via IV catheter, we lifted her up to the udder to hopefully nurse. After three days of this, we think she may be out of the woods, medically. She is getting up and nursing on her own, and she actually bucked a little today. We are still watching her like a hawk, and are hopefully optimistic about her recovery.