Premium and Foal of Distinction. Now a Special Premium Candidate and winner at Dressage at Devon 2015. One of the best I've bred and fourth generation from my breeding program!
Put down 2 days after the birth of her 2021 filly named Fhaithful. She had a uterine bleed and ruptured small intestine. We miss her so much!!!
Shcooter lived up to the promise I saw in her as a foal. At the 2015 GOV Mare Performance Test, she was named the Champion. At Dressage at Devon 2015, her first time off the property and her first horse show ever, she won the 3 year old fillies class with an 80.5%, was Filly Champion and Reserve Champion Young Horse!Her inspection scores from the GOV include 8.5 trot, 8 breed and sex type, 8 walk, 8 general impression and development, 8 frame and 8 overall. Her Mare Performance Test scores include 8 free trot, 8 walk under saddle, 7.5 trot and canter under saddle. We took her to Dressage at Devon where she was amazing for the whole day which included multiple trips into the ring for the championships. By the end of the day, she had enough of horse showing, but we were so proud of her at her first horse show experience.
Another super foal from EM Rheporter, Grand Champion at Dressage at Devon 2011. Sorry folks, this is the filly I have been waiting for!Birth report: I knew that Lois was close to foaling, but at a routine udder check at midnight, her milk had suddenly turned to colostrum since the 6 pm check. Jim was tired, but I made him hook up the video camera. Good thing we did- this lovely filly was born at 6:30 in the morning. I looked next door to find a newborn, 16 day early filly in Shirlene's stall. No warning there, and it was quite a nursing nightmare. Read about that filly under Rhiddle. Shcooter is a super foal, like all of Lois' other foals, and I finally got my filly! Yeah!