SOLD! Congratulations to two of my favorite riding students and friends- Beth Hart and her mother, Jane Ward are the new owners of this really nice horse! I look forward to teaching both of them, and Beth has hopes of doing the MPT this year with a better day for the free jumping. Ghlimmer just missed the score for EMC by 100th's of a point.
Inspection Comments
Ghlimmer is a PACKER! She was ridden at the AHS inspection by 19 year old Lauren Casale. She received a 6.72 on inspection and in the MPT received a 6 and a 5 on her jumping (it was a bad day- she had been REALLY GOOD in the practice sessions), 7,7,8 in gaits and an 8 in rideability. Her owners report that Lauren can get on her back and ride her in the fields with just a halter and lead rope. She has been to a cross country schooling and a hunter show, where she takes everything in stride- a super mind for the amateur!!!!