RSF News
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Show Ring
Last Updated: Nov 23, 2020 - 4:47:36 PM |
It was a very successful year despite Covid with Jocelyn Kraenzle doing an amazing job with all of the horses. We had just one dressage breed show since most (including Dressage at Devon) were cancelled, but we were very successful with very good scores. We were also able to get some of the young horses out to schooling shows for exposure.
July 2020 Update:
We have been busy showing and I am proud to report our results with
super riding and training from RSF trainer Jocelyn Kraenzle on my homebred horses:
12 year old home bred and trained EMC/PM Hhot Tamale (Hotline/Contucci) has improved her passage and piaffe significantly and still needs more strength but she scored 63.804, 68.125% and 66.196 so far this year at Grand Prix. 6 year old Special Premium Candidate Shurreal (Sezuan/Royal Prince) moved up to second level and has so far received 76.829, 76.786, 79.390, 77.976, and 75.122, scoring 8’s for gaits 5 times along with quite a few 9’s throughout the tests. 5 year old Special Premium Candidate Fhunny Girl (Fuerstenball/ Royal Prince) moved up to first level this year receiving 73.714, 65.833, 66.0 and 77.5, getting 8 or 8.5 on her gaits scores. Special Premium Candidate Shabrina (Shakespeare RSF/Widmark) showed at fourth level for the first time this year receiving 67.051 and 64.211. I am very proud of Jocelyn who received the well deserved rider position score of 9 four times!
August Red Tail show in NJ:
5 year old Fhunny Girl (Fuerstenball/ EM Regalia [Royal Prince/ Grundstein])did super today with
Jocelyn Kraenzle
riding. First level test 2: 76.143, first level test 3: 75.139. Wins in both classes. Interesting that another homebred named Qharaoke by Quaterback out of the same dam as Fhunny won his fourth level test 2 class today with 73.421. Other horses I bred: Congratulations also to
Denise Argast
on Whizard of Oz (Welcome S/ EM Rhwanda by Rotspon) on her win at Grand Prix with a 65.435,
Jennifer Miranda
with her win at third level test 3 with a 68.125 on Hhemlock (Hotline/Special Premium Elite Lhoretta by Loerke), and
Beth Lambert
with a 3rd place on Sheyenne (Shakespeare RSF/ EM Giadonna by Gold Luck) at second level test 3 with a 62.857. ALL of these last three horses are trained exclusively by their amateur owners. I am very proud of all of them!
August 27:
We had a super recognized dressage show yesterday at Rhythm and Blues Equestrian Center in Quakertown, PA. The weather was perfect and the riding from
Jocelyn Kraenzle
was super! We brought three homebred horses, 5 tests, 5 wins, 3 division high scores. Hhot Tamale did a much improved Grand Prix test for a 64.785%. FEI high score. 5 year old Fhunny Girl: First level test 2- 72.286% and first 3- 71.389%. First level high score. 6 year old Shurreal: second level test 2-73.537% and second 3 71.786%. second level high score.
September 4:
Well, our horses did super at the Stone Tavern Breed Show at the NJ Horse Park on Wednesday, September 2. Unfortunately, there were only a few entries but our scores reflected the quality we brought. Thanks to
Jocelyn Kraenzle for braiding, grooming and superb riding,
Nick Bleiler for a super job in handling the horses in hand and
Larissa Barilar for agreeing to catch ride on a three year old filly that was at her third time off property. Here are the results:
Three Year Old Fillies- 1st place Mharcasite (Morricone/ Special Premium Whii- Wild Dance/ Di Caprio) 78.725%, 2nd place-Dhiamond (Dheputy/ Special Premium Shusquehanna- Shakespeare RSF/De Niro) 78.175%.
Filly and also Young Horse Championship- Mharcasite Champion, Dhiamond reserve champion.
Maiden or Yeld Mares 4 years old and older- 1st place Special Premium Candidate Fhunny Girl (Fuerstenball/ Elite Mare Regalia- Royal Prince/Grundstein 84.0%. She was also Mare Champion and Mature Horse Champion.
Grand Championship: Fhunny Girl Champion, Dhiamond reserve Champion (go figure...)
USDF Filly North East Series Final: Marcasirte Champion 80.362%, Dhiamond reserve champion 77.825%
USDF Mare North East Series Final: Fhunny Girl Champion 82.862%
Materiale for 3 year old fillies: Mharcasite catch ridden by
Larissa : 1st 77.0%, Dhiamond ridden y
Jocelyn tied for 2nd but placed third 76.3%.
The babies were getting tired by then so I didn't enter them in the Materiale Championship. They did 6 runs in hand and one under saddle class in one day! We kept probably the best movers of the group home (Bhracelet by Bordeaux out of Elite mare Rheporter- Royal Prince/Weltmeyer). She is still immature looking. Also Bhrilliance (Buckingham/ Elite Mare Lhuau- Loerke/Bruderherz).
September 20:
Special Premium Candidate Shurreal (Sezuan/ EM Rheporter [Royal Prince/Weltmeyer]) and
Jocelyn Kraenzle
were Region 8 Champions today at second level with a 72.440%- I am so proud of both of them!
Stone Tavern Breed Show- Grand Champion Mharcasite and Reserve Grand Champion Dhiamond |
Shurreal and Jocelyn- Region 8 Second Level Champions |
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